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Defensive Driving for Light Vehicles (LV) (2 Days)
Min attendees: 8 participants
Max Attendees: 15 participants

This course is aimed at Company employees, from senior management through to pool drivers who drive all types of light
vehicles, be it company or personal and frequent / non frequent drivers. This course also enlightens those who have personal chauffeur's as it shall make
one aware of what is expected from your chauffeur and be able to identify unnecessary high risk driving.
Upon completion of the training attendees will understand the meaning and importance of Defensive Driving, and the key factors in “arriving alive”
at your final destination. This course is high impact and always gets the full attention of attendees, through “local” real life examples used during the
training sessions. This course is an eye opener and changes one’s perspective and attitude towards the one thing many take for granted, DRIVING!.

Block Syllabus


Signing on and Introductions
Road Accidents

The human factor
Main causes discussed
High impact videos


Stresses defensive driving attitudes and
accidents, this video is high impact and
provides positive reinforcement in a truly
dramatic way.

4 Keys to Safe Driving
(Observe, Identify, Predict, Decide)

Hazard identification sequence and
Reaction to hazards, actual and potential.
Real Life photographs used to enhance
learning and application of the 4 Keys.

Seat Belts, Momentum and loose objects

Collisions and consequences of not wearing
a seat belt (very high impact videos
Hazardous loose objects in the vehicle
and vehicle momentum


Practical Driving and Assessments
30 – 40 mins per attendee, and entails
application of the skills learnt during the
theory sessions, and instructor to “demonstrate” to
participants should he feel necessary.

Eye-Lead Time

Reaction times
Factors affecting braking and friction of
the tyres
The three second rule
(Safe Following distance)
Space cushioning while driving
and trailer articulation

Driver Fatigue & Tiredness Management

(See fatigue and tiredness content)


Practical Driving and Assessments
20 – 30 mins per attendee


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