Our Objectives PDF  | Print |  E-mail

It is estimated that at least 2-3 million people will die and at least 40 million will be injured during the next 10 years from road accidents in Africa alone, this statistic does not account for the emotional endless suffering for people who loose their loved one’s and possibly, the only bread winners in the family.

This endless suffering not only prevents children from getting a formal education, it increases poverty where it already exists, it affects the health infrastructure of an entire country as more than half of the people continuously admitted in hospitals are there simply because of road accidents!

Our objective
is to pass on the skills and knowledge through simple but very effective teaching and showing methods thus allowing drivers  to “defend” themselves  on the road, as well as improve their base driving skills and also take into consideration that all road users are there for a reason so sharing the road is not just a suggestion but has to be a way of life!

Through our training approach and styles we are making a difference on the ground, by saving lives on the road and helping make roads safer! Those who have gone through our training programmes leave our trainings with a totally different perspective towards driving. Our course delivery style is not only about the course content, but also the attitude change as we know that the only way to change a persons driving habits long term, is to touch their heart!

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